Brochures and Resources
Beloit Public Library has a wide range of opportunities for the public. Below are electronic versions of documents and guides that explain some of these programs, services, and resources in more depth. Have questions? Ask us!
Book Club in a Bag
4th Wednesday Book Discussion 2024-2025
4th Wednesday Book Discussion 2023-2024
4th Wednesday Book Discussion 2022-2023
4th Wednesday Book Discussion 2021-2022
BookQuest Book List 2024-2025
BookQuest Book List 2023-2024
BookQuest Book List 2022-2023
BookQuest Book List 2022-2023 on Book Connections
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Library Brochure (English)
Library Brochure (Spanish)
Drive-Up Window
Fine Free For Youth and YA
Homebound Delivery
Volunteer Opportunities