Pay a Late Fee

Patrons are liable for any fees/fines associated with their account, and on accounts of patrons 17 and under for whom they are legally responsible. Fines can be paid at any service desk and are charged for each day that Beloit Public Library is open. Maximum fines are $5.00 per item with no overall maximum fine limit per BPL card. A BPL card may not be used for checkout when fines reach a total of $10.00 or greater.

If you have questions about fines or overdue notices, please look in the online catalog, ask staff, or call 608-364-2905.



Children’s/YA (Teen) Items: FINE FREE (Click here to learn more!)
Adult Items: $0.25/day
Jackpot Items: $0.50/day
Interlibrary Loan Items: $1.00/day

Fines max out at $5 per item.

Fines may be paid at any of the ALS member libraries unless the accounts have been sent to collections or Municipal Court.


Overdue Notices

Currently, an overdue notice is sent out (via email OR phone) once an item is two weeks overdue. A second, final and billed, notice is sent (via mail) once items are four weeks overdue; additionally, accounts are then subject to Municipal Court citations or collection agency intervention.

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