Volunteer Opportunities

Beloit Public Library’s mission to provide enriching and inspiring learning experiences for all of our diverse community is possible because of volunteers like you! We have a number of volunteer opportunities available from which to choose:


Adopt-a-Shelf volunteers are the silent helpers who keep our materials clean and in precise order both by Dewey Decimal System and alphabetically. Volunteers commit to organizing their assigned/chosen areas one hour per week, but can work any time it is convenient to them.


Our Bookleggers program brings the love of reading to third graders in Beloit area schools with classroom visits, curriculum guides, and a culminating field trip to visit us here at the library.


The Homebound Delivery Program is an outreach service that provides regular home delivery of library materials to customers in Beloit who are unable to visit the library due to age or disability. Volunteers are needed to either select materials or to deliver to and pick up library materials from these customers.

Interested in Volunteering?

Apply online. If you have any questions, please contact Jill at (608)364-5713 or volunteer@beloitlibrary.org.

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