Online Resources
Please click on a filter below to sort our resources by category.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
This family reading project is for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Earn prizes as you accomplish milestones toward your goal of reading 1,000 books before kindergarten.
America’s News
NewsBank provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources covering a wide array of topics and issues. Web-based, full-text access to articles and video clips from worldwide, national, and local papers including the Beloit Daily News. Paid advertisements are excluded. Access from BPL
Historical records and photos hold so many answers about the fascinating people in history. Ancestry Library Edition puts them at your fingertips, enabling both research and inviting critical thinking.
A to Z Databases is the premier Job Search, Reference, and Mailing List database. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding people, and more!
Wisconsin’s online library providing access to licensed content such as magazines, newspapers, scholarly articles, videos, images, and music. These resources are not available on regular search engines such as Google.
Our reading challenges have gone virtual with Beanstack! Use the free app or the website from your desktop to track your family’s reading and activities to earn badges and prizes and to get new book recommendations!
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Beloit Daily News Archive
Search full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of Beloit Daily News. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Beloit History
Rare and historic books unique to Beloit from BPL, Beloit Historical Society, and Beloit College Library Archives Department, including early city and phone directories, farm directories, plat books, and more.
Black Life In America
A new resource from NewsBank that supports discussions and conversations on race, equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Explore comprehensive news coverage of the African American experience, from 1704 to today.
Book Connections
An easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children’s and young adult books. This database is developed and maintained to include thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books for youth.
Britannica Library Young Children
Award-winning learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of young children, specific to the public library setting.
Britannica School Early Elementary
Access Britannica Fundamentals content through this learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK-2 students and educators.
Business Source Premier
Chilton Library
Consumer Reports
Edgewater Flats Photo Gallery
Photos of African American families who moved up north to Beloit, Wisconsin, from Pontotoc, Mississippi, to work at the Fairbanks Morse factory in Beloit and lived in the Fairbanks Flats.
Education Source
Full-text research database designed for education students, researchers, and policymakers. Coverage spans all levels of education and includes educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources rich in unique primary resources, local and family histories, convenient research guides, interactive census maps, and more.
History Reference Center
Full-text history reference resource covering both U.S. and world history topics. Features reference books, magazines, journals, and thousands of primary source documents.
Hobbies & Craft Source
Do-It-Yourself database of full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes, and videos to inspire creativity and nurture extra-curricular interests.
Home Improvement Source
Do-It-Yourself database of full-text content from leading home improvement magazines and reference books, plus a collection of images not found anywhere else online.
A groundbreaking digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows for free with your library card. Titles can be streamed immediately.
Borrow thousands of e-books and e-audiobooks instantly, for free, using the device in your hand and the Libby app. It takes just a few taps to get to the titles you want.
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how to use this resource.
Live online kitchen skills classes for both kids and adults. Learn essential skills from professional instructors and guest chefs from around the world. Join live sessions or watch replays anytime.
Library & Information Science Source
Full-text database for library and information science studies. It provides hundreds of full-text journals covering all related subjects, including librarianship, classification, information management, and the history of library studies.
A leading online learning platform offering video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills. All courses are free for library card holders. Formerly known as
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Mango Languages
Online language-learning website and app that offer more than 70 World language courses and English language learning courses for language learners of all ages.
Use your mobile, desktop, or smart TV to access online classes taught by the best in arts and entertainment, writing, business, food, home and lifestyle, music, sports and gaming, and more.
Digital access to the Pulitzer Prize-winning NYT, the paper founded in 1851 and ranked 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the U.S. The Times has long been regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record.”
Newspaper Source Plus
A full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content, including articles from newspapers, newswires, and news magazines as well as TV and radio transcripts from popular news sources. Library Edition-World Collection
Historical newspaper archive from the 1700s through 2000s, containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.
Digital access to the Pulitzer Prize-winning NYT, the paper founded in 1851 and ranked 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the U.S. The Times has long been regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record.”
An easy-to-use learning and professional training platform that provides tutorials covering a variety of information literacy topics, including how to use other digital resources found at the library.
A trusted source of read-alike recommendations to help find your next favorite read. Use the filters to locate materials by topic, author, similarity to other books, mentioned in the media, and more.
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A trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers to help find books that are just right for reading level and interest. Also provides tools for adults to engage young readers.
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how to use this resource.
Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming video for free using your library card and an electronic device. OverDrive’s catalog includes more than 2 million digital titles from more than 5,000 publishers.
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how to learn this resource.
Points of View Reference Source
Rich content from multiple sides of an issue, this resource can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
Regional Business News
Full-text regional business publications from the U.S. and Canadian provinces. Search newspapers, magazines, and other resources from trusted news sources.
SHARE Anywhere
Conveniently access the SHARE catalog from an app on your mobile device. Manage your account, search the catalog, renew and place holds on books, and more. The catalog includes items from BPL as well as 28 other member libraries in southeast Wisconsin.
An engaging collection of resources that brings books to life. TeachingBooks strives to enrich everyone’s experience reading children’s and young adult books with our original and curated literary resources.
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TumbleBooks eBook Library
Animated, talking picture books that teach children the joy of reading in a format they’ll love. Children can read these electronic picture books … or have them read to them.
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how to use this resource.
U.S. Newsstream
U.S. news from the 1980s to current, featuring content from key national and regional sources including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, Chicago Tribune, and more than 80 Gannett titles.
Wisconsin Historical Society Family History
Family history-related government records from the Wisconsin Historical Society’s collections made available for free to Wisconsinites through a partnership with Ancestry.
Wisconsin Newspapers Archive
Full-text archived from more than 250 daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers from 90 days ago to 2005, as well as 13 historical newspapers from the 1800s and 1900s.
The Yellow Pages
The original source to find and connect with local plumbers, handymen, mechanics, attorneys, dentists, and more is now online.