We are happy to report that the SHARE Anywhere app is back!
If you already had it installed on your device, it should work immediately. If you have issues getting it to work, try reloading the app from the bottom of the preferences page. If you’re new to SHARE Anywhere, you can download it for free from your favorite app store.
If you recall back in December, we announced that the app had become unavailable due to an issue with the vendor. That issue has been resolved at least for the time being, although a new app is still under development for release at some point later this year.
What is SHARE Anywhere? It’s a convenient app that puts your library card, checkouts, the SHARE catalog, BPL events, BPL resources, and more all in one easy-to-navigate location. Have questions? Ask any staff member when you’re in the library or give us a call at (608)364-2905.