Library patrons now have the convenience of being able to do their banking while at the library, thanks to the installation of a new ATM machine.
Located inside the vestibule, this full-screen, full-function ATM not only dispenses cash ($50s and $20s), but it also accepts deposits. The machine is NFC-enabled so users can tap their NFC-enabled debit cards, smartphones, or wearable devices against the ATM’s contactless reader to initiate transactions.
Transactions are free if your institution participates in the Wisconsin ATM Access Network or the Allpoint Network — a network of ATMs that banks, credit unions, and prepaid card providers can join to provide their cardholders surcharge-free cash access. Wintrust Community Bank and First National Bank and Trust are among the local banks that in the network. Contact your financial institution if you are unsure if it is part of the network.
This project was made possible by Town Bank, N.A. of Clinton, Wisconsin.