Beloit Public Library Foundation is a nonprofit arm of BPL that raises funds to continuously improve, promote, and support Beloit Public Library. Gifts to the Foundation allow us to take the library beyond city funding to a new level of excellence. The BPL Foundation ended 2021 successfully by surpassing its fundraising goal by $3,500.
“A massive thank you to all Foundation donors,” said BPL’s Director of Development Lara Hermann. “Thanks to your generosity, we exceeded our year-end goal by of $15,000 and raised $18,500.”
Why do your gifts matter? Last week a young man came in to take a proctored exam. At the end of his test, he politely requested to speak to the library staff member who had helped him get started. He was so proud to share with her that he passed his test, his smile stretched from ear to ear. BPL Foundation gifts support individuals like this young man, helping to fund education and technology that would otherwise not be possible for community members. Your gifts also support life-changing programs for our children. Thank you for sharing your gift with the Library Foundation.